ATTORNEY [ licensed to practice in KOREA, U.S.A., ILLINOIS ] LEE, JAE WOOK
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Start →ACTIVITIES ALLOWED AND ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS CONTENTS You are allowed to apply for a visa if you are: planning to stay in the Republic of Korea in a long term in order to receive a permanent resident permit. Also, you are A. An underage foreign child of a Korean national; or an underage child or a spouse of a permanent resident (F-5) visa holder. B. A person born to a Korean national and a foreigner (including the de facto marital relationship) and acknowledged by the Minister of Justice C. A person whose status is accepted as a refugee D. A person who is an investor under the Foreign Investment Promotion Act and meets any of the following conditions: 1) A foreign investor who has invested US$500,000 has stayed in the Republic of Korea for the 3 consecutive years or more on a corporate supervise visa(D-8). 2) You are an executive sent to the Republic of Korea on behalf of a foreign investment body which has invested US$500,000 or more in accordance with the Foreign Investment Promotion Act and who has stayed in the Republic of Korea for three years or more. 3) You are a foreign investor who has invested US$300,000 or more and who has hired at least two Korean nationals as his/her employees E. You have lost the Permanent Resident (F-5) status, but your need to stay longer in the Republic of Korea is acknowledged by the Minister of Justice in order to protect human rights and social security (this excludes a deported person) F. You have a residential address in the Republic of Korea by living here for at least 7 years as a valid visa holder (except Diplomat(A-1) to International Agreement(A-3) visa holders), and your need is acknowledged by the Minister of Justice. [However, for those who have from Professor(E-1) to Professional (E-5) or Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7) visas, they will be issued with a visa valid for 5-years] G. You are an employee with an E-9 Non-professional, E-10 Maritime Crew or H-2 Work and Visit visa and who had been employed for 4 years out of the past 10 years on a visa designated by the Minister of Justice and meet all of the following criteria. 1) You have the set of skills or licenses designated by the Minister of Justice or you are receiving a certain amount of incomes in the Republic of Korea (The Minister of Justice will notify the general public of the type of skills, licenses and income criteria after the discussion with relevant heads of ministries.) 2) You must have sufficient funds set by the Minister of Justice 3) You are an adult with good conduct in accordance with the Korean Civil Law⌟, who has basic quality education. H. You are hired as a civil servant under the National Civil Servants Law or Local Civil Servants Lawand acknowledged by the Minister of Justice. I. You meet the age, education, and income criteria designated by the Minister of Justice J. You have invested in real estate and other assets including investment areas, investment targets, investment amounts designated by the Minister of Justice. K. You are a spouse or an underage child of qualifying applicants for item I or J - 227 - MAXIMUM LENGTH OF STAY You are allowed to stay for up to 3 years VISAS ISSUED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE HEAD OF THE DIPLOMATIC MISSION CONTENTS A person with the refugee status, a high-profile investor, a person who has lost the residence status, or a person who has been staying for more than 7 years are subject to the permit grants or an alteration of the visa status, therefore, it is impossible to receive a visa from a diplomatic mission abroad. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Visa application form (form no.17), passport, one standard size photograph, fees Reference Letter of Korean spouse Invitation Letter (Enclosed Form 1), Marriage Statement (Enclosed Form 2) Any relevant documents from both countries, which demonstrate the marital relationship - Marriage certificate, certification of family relations records Documents proving your funds and finance - Certificate of Income Amount (issued by the Tax Office), Proof of Employment, Bank Statement, etc. Credit Reports of a Korean spouse (issued by the Korean Foundation of Banks) Criminal Records of both parties that are married, which are issued by a responsible organization of respective country - In a case where an F-5 Permanent Resident status holder already submitted his/her criminal record check when he/she changed his/her status to Permanent Resident, he/she does not have to submit the document again. However, if he/she had stayed in a foreign country for 6 months or longer after he/she obtained his/her permanent resident status, he/she must submit a criminal record check issued by the government of that respective country. Health check-up results of a married couple - The document must be issued by a medical institution equivalent to a hospital as set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 2(2) of the Medicine Act or by a health center as set forth in Article 7 of the Local Health Act. However, if you are a foreign spouse, you can submit similar documents issued from your country instead. If you were married before, please submit any documents proving the dissolution of the previous marriage (e.g. Divorce Certificate) The head of a diplomatic mission abroad may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine the purpose of the entry, genuineness of the invitation, and the qualification of the inviter and the invitee 1. A single-entry resident (F-2-3) visa valid for one year or less will be issued to a spouse of resident visa holder (F-5) 2. A single-entry visa(F-2-2) valid for 90 days or less will be issued to an underage foreign child of Korean national - 228 - VISAS ISSUED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE HEAD OF THE DIPLOMATIC MISSION CONTENTS REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Application for the visa issuance (form no. 17), passport, one standard size photograph, fee Official documents proving that the applicant is a minor of a Korean national Documents proving the relation between a Korean national and an underage child, and the relation of custodianship. Personal references letters for a Korean father or mother who has custodianship (If the father or mother has a spouse, you need to submit the personal references of the spouse as well.) If you cannot prove a custodianship over the child, then you have to submit an agreement signed by a person with parental rights or by a patron who have the same nationality as the child (If the child does not have the person with parental rights or the patron, you have to submit official documents or authenticated certificates proving that you do not have the person with parental rights․the patron) The head of a diplomatic mission may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine the purpose of entry, genuineness of the invitation, and the qualifications of the inviter and the invitee REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Application for the visa issuance (form no. 17), passport, one standard-size photograph, fee Invitation Letter Documents proving the relation between a Korean national and a respective underage child - Documents proving their biological relation such as the DNA test results or Birth Certificates Reference Letter from your Korean father or mother The head of a diplomatic mission abroad may ask additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine the purpose of entry, genuineness of the invitation, and the qualification of the inviter and the invitee. If you are adopted in order to enter the Republic of Korea, the Ministry of Justice will stop issuing a visa. If you have multiple nationalities including Korean, Rules on Entry, Exit, and Stay of Dual Citizens will be applied to you. 3. A single-entry visa (F-2-2) valid for 90 days or less will be issued to a child born from a marital relationship(including the de facto marital relationship) between a foreigner and a Korean national The de facto marital relationship means a couple that has an intention to get married, or from the outsider's conventional point of view, there are evidences which can prove that they have maintained a married couple lifestyle. (The Superior Court of Justice 98 mu961, 1998.12.08.) ex) However, the de facto marital relationship does not include a couple living together but which does not have an intention to get married, and which one of the partner is married to another person but living with the other partner - 229 - ELIGIBILITY FOR THE VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION CONTENTS You are NOT eligible to apply for the visa issuance confirmation Your visa will be issued or altered at the discretion of the head of a diplomatic mission abroad or an immigration (branch) office - 230 - Dependent Family (F-3) * jae wook LEEԿ ؼ Խù Ǿϴ (2016-06-07 12:51) ← End |
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