ATTORNEY [ licensed to practice in KOREA, U.S.A., ILLINOIS ] LEE, JAE WOOK
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Start →TITLE D-8 (Treaty Investors ) Visa Date 2015.11.30 FILE Eligible Applicants - A person who desires to engage in the administrative management of a foreign investment company prescribed by the Foreign Investment Promotion Act. The Foreign Investment Promotion Act-Investment by a Foreigner(Foreign investor promotion law section 2 article 1) - Possessing stocks or shares of the corporation or the company in question with the purpose of establishing continuous economic relationship with the corporation or the company in concern such as participating in administrative activities of the ROK company or the company operated by an ROK national - A loan of 5 years or longer where the overseas parent company or the company in a capital investment relationship with the parent company makes the loan to a foreign investment company in concern - Investment procedure: The foreigner who wishes to invest must report to the head of Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency or the head of foreign exchange bank in advance (foreign investor promotion law section 5-8, section 2-5 of the Ministerial Ordinance of same law) - Foreign investment by obtaining new stocks, etc (section 5 of the same law) - Foreign investment by obtaining stocks, etc (section 6 of the same law) - Obtaining stocks, etc due to merger, etc (section 7 of the same law) - Foreign investment by way of long term loan method (section 8 of the same law) Required Documents Items subject to change depending on individual circumstances 1. A completed Visa application 2. A recent passport photo (3.5 x 4.5cm, colour photo) 3. Passport (Original) 4. Confirmation of Visa issuance Number (which is issued in local immigration office in Korea) For details, please visit the immigration website: http://www.immigration.go.kr 5. Visa Fee : Please Check the article 28 "[IMPORTANT] VISA FEES" on the visa information page. You May Alternatively submit the Following Documents instead of Visa issuance Number, 1. Temporary Duty Order of Certificate of Employment 2. Certificate of Foreigners Investment Report, including Copy of Register Book or Certificate of Business Registration 3. Certificate of Registered Investment company ← End |
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