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ATTORNEY [ licensed to practice in KOREA, U.S.A., ILLINOIS ] LEE, JAE WOOK
For more information for the services Attorney LEE provide for the Aliens who want for legal services in Korea, Please do not hesitate to click the below MENU link for "SERVICES FOR AlienS".

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| Foreign
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  • retainer fee
  • consulting fee
  • Resume of Attorney LEE
  • Self Advocacy Statement for case
  • B VISA
  • C VISA
  • D VISA
  • E VISA
  • F VISA
  • G VISA
  • H VISA
  • 뿪(translation, interpretation)
  • china visa
  • Death of Aliens, Estate, Proof of Death

The Sojourn Guide [D-8]
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/ The Sojourn Guide [D-8]


1. You have managed or run a foreign-invested Korean corporation* in accordance with the Foreign Investment Promotion Act or you are an indispensable professional specialist** planning to engage in production and the technology parts of a foreign-invested company [hereinafter referred to as D-8-1 Incorporated Enterprise Investment]
* including a company that is in the midst of establishing process
** excluding an employee hired in Korea
2. You are among those who have established a business venture with excellent technical capability, for example, by possessing an industrial property right or intellectual property right, in accordance with Subparagraph 2(c), Paragraph 1, Article 2(2) of the Act on Special Measures for the Promotion of Business Venture. Also, you have received a confirmation of business venture as the CEO of a particular company or the CEO of a company which is considered to have excellent skills, in accordance with the aforementioned Act. [hereinafter referred to as D-8-2 Business Venture Investment]
3. In accordance with the Foreign Investment Promotion Act, you are an indispensable professional specialist who wants to work and manage a foreign invested company owned by a Korean national (corporation) or to work in technology and production sectors of that company.* [hereinafter referred to as D-8-3 Unincorporated Private Enterprise Investment]
* excluding an employee hired in Korea
4. You have a bachelors degree or higher and a founder of a corporation, who has either an intellectual property right or equivalent skills [hereinafter referred to as D-8-4 Technology and Business Startup]


D-8-1 Incorporated Enterprise Investment
D-8-3 Unincorporated Private Enterprise Investment        5 years
D-8-2 Business Venture Investment
D-8-4 Technology and Business Startup        2 years


1. Expansion of exemption from permission of participation in activities uncertified for current sojourn status
If you (D-8 holder) plan to receive formal school education within the period of sojourn, you do not need permission as long as it is consistent with your original purpose of stay. (as of June 15, 2009)

2. Permission of Activities as a Lecturer at a University for Excellent Specialists such as CEO of a Foreign Investment Company

allowed        You may apply for permission of activities as Short Term Employment (C-4) if you plan to give a lecture for less than 90 days.
Individuals        (1) a person working as a full-time director or higher at a domestic company (including investment company) with D-7, D-8, D-9 visa
(2) a holder of professional working visa (E-1, E-3 ~ E-5, E-7)
Documents        (1) an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee (2) a recommendation letter from the Dean/President of the University (3) a copy of a certificate of tax registration number for non-profit organization (business registration certificate) (4) an employment contract (original copy and photocopy both) (5) a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace
Those who would like to give lectures regularly at a university for more than 90 days must report to the KIS Headquarters for approval.


You are not subject to the report of Change/Addition of Workplace. You are subject to report Change in Registration Information.
Holders of the visas listed who does not have intention of making profits below must report Change in Registration Information (not Change/Addition of Workplace. (Article 49-2 of the Enforcement Regulations)
► holders of Cultural Arts (D-1), Study Abroad (D-2), General Training (D-4) or Trade Management (D-9) visa: Change or Addition of institution/organization (including name change)
► Job Seeking (D-10) visa holders: Start of Training or Change of Training Institute (including name change)
► Working Visit (H-2) visa holders: Start of Employment (when newly hired by a person/institution/organization/company), Information Change of the individual/institution/ organization/company (including name change) (when already working)

If you are a holder of Supervisory Intra-Company Transfer (D-7) ~ Trade Management (D-9) visa and transfer from one affiliate to another, you are subject to report Change in Registration Information and submit the documents listed below.
(1) an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee (2) a dispatch order (issued by the headquarter office overseas) (3) documents proving that the companies are affiliated with the same company (i.e. a certified copy of corporate registration) (4) documents proving the injection of business funds of the new workplace
(i.e. a certificate of purchased foreign currency, lease/rent contract) (5) a tax payment certificate of the new workplace (in the case of a dispatched worker or a private investor, only if the company is already operating) (6) a certified copy of corporate registration of the new workplace (7) a copy of business registration certificate of the
new workplace (8) a copy of a certificate of investment corporation registration of the new workplace




[Common Criteria]
1. Permission Requirements
A. D-8-1 Incorporated Enterprise Investment
The investment must be made to a Korean corporation (including a corporation that is in the midst of establishing process in Korea.)
The amount of investment must be at least 100 million KRW, and you must either have at least 10 percent of the total capital stocks of the company in addition to the voting right (Paragraph 1, Article 2(2) of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act) or sign a contract of dispatching and appointing executives by having some stock shares (Paragraph 2, Article 2(2) of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act)
B. D-8-2 Business Venture Investment
You are among those who have established a business venture* with excellent technical capability, for example, by possessing an industrial property right or intellectual property right, in accordance with Subparagraph 2(c), Paragraph 1, Article 2(2) of the Act on Special Measures for the Promotion of Business Venture. Also, you have obtained a confirmation of business venture** as the CEO of a particular company or the CEO of a company that is considered to have excellent skills*** in
accordance with the aforementioned act. [hereinafter referred to as D-8-2 Business Venture Investment]
* includes a Technology Assessment Guaranteed Corporation and a prospective business venture (i.e. business venture that is in the midst of establishing process or of business registration, or business venture newly established within the past 6 months range)
** The Korea Technology Finance Corporation (Korea Technology Finance Corporation Act), the Small and Medium Business Corporations (Small and Medium Business
Promotion Laws) or the Korean Venture Capital Association (Special Act on Promotion of Business Venture Firms) will confirm whether a company is a business venture or a
prospective venture.
*** Assessment is given by the Korea Technology Finance Corporation (Korea Technology Finance Corporation Act ) or the Small and Medium Business Corporations (Small and Medium Business Promotion Laws)
C. D-8-3 Unincorporated Private Enterprise Investment
The investment must be made to a company run by a Korean national (individual)
You have invested at least 100 million KRW, which is ten or more percentage of the total investment start-up capitals of the company (Paragraph 1, Article 2(2) of the Presidential decree of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act). Furthermore, you are registered as the co-founder with the other Korean CEO on the business registration certificate.
A co-founder who is a Korean national must invest at least 100 million KRW as the start-up capitals.
D. D-8-4 Technology and Business Startup
You have a bachelors degree* or higher
* Degrees acquired in Korea or abroad are both acceptable. However, only the degrees that are already conferred are recognized, which means prospective graduates are NOT eligible to apply for this category.
You have scored at least 80 points out of the total 340 points.
– You must satisfy at least one mandatory item.
You must complete the business registration and corporate registration after establishing a company* in Korea.
* Refers to a newly established company, not including a business takeover.

Permission Exceptions (for those who are prohibited from changing their status only): You must leave Korea first and obtain a visa from a Korean diplomatic mission.

No.        Details
1        a person who entered the ROK for group tourism or pure tourism
a Chinese citizen who entered the ROK with C-3 visa and is one of group tourists or an individual tourist for pure tourism.
2        an Irish citizen or French citizen who entered the ROK with Industrial Training (D-3), Non-professional Employment (E-9), Vessel Crew (E-10), Working Visit (H-2), Miscellaneous (G-1) or Working Holiday (H-1) visa (citizens of other countries may apply for change of status)
3        If a foreigner who is not an investor is registered as an executive and application for change of status for this person is submitted, he/she is not considered as a dispatched worker but as an employee hired domestically. In this case, the person is subject to Special Occupation (E-7) visa not D-8.
► In principle, if you are a holder of visas listed above, you may not change status to D-8. Only in special cases when genuineness of investment is recognized (i.e. you have invested 500,000,000 KRW or more or has significantly invested in Korea), you may be allowed to change your status after a thorough examination and approval from the Korea Immigration Service. (If your investment is less than 500,000,000 KRW, it will be better for you to leave the ROK and then return to Korea with D-8 visa.)

1. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have invested in a Korean corporation (D-8-1)

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (Form No.34), Passport, Alien Registration Card, One Standard Size Photo, No fee
(2) A copy of business registration certificate, complete business registration certificate, original copy of circumstantial statement of change of shareholder
(3) foreign investment report form or a copy of investment company registration certificate
(4) dispatch order (must indicate the dispatch period) and proof of enrollment in case of overseas assignment
(5) Documents demonstrating the transfer of investment capitals
Case A. Payment in Cash
– Permission (declaration) of foreign currency transfer or confirmation of remittance issued by the Customs or a bank (financial institution) of the respective country
– Investment funds introduction statement (confirmation of foreign currency transfer, certificate of purchased foreign currency, customs declaration form and others)
Case B. Investment in Kind
– Photocopy of Investment in Kind Completion Confirmation Letter (issued by the head of Korea Customs Service)
– Photocopy of Customs Import Declaration Certificate
(6) Sales record certificate (import & export records and etc.)
(7) Documents demonstrating the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
(8) Documents demonstrating existence of the place of business (office lease contract, photographs of the front view of the office, inside of the office-signs and other materials)
[ Additional Documents for individual investor who has invested less than 300 million KRW ]

(9) documents demonstrating the details of usage of the investment funds (product purchase receipt, office interior fee, deposit/withdrawal records of a domestic bank account and others)a
(10) documents proving the work experiences or entrepreneurial experiences from the applicants origin of nationality. (required when necessary)

Followings are required documents for an indispensable professional specialist of a subsidiary company that is entirely invested by a financial holding company registered as a foreign corporate investor.

(1) an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, a standardized photo, no fee
(2) an authorization of financial holding company and a copy of the registration of foreign investment company
(3) an affiliates certified copy of corporate registration and shareholders registry (documents proving that the company is a wholly-owned affiliate of a financial holding company)
(4) a dispatch order issued by the headquarter office overseas
(5) a copy of business registration certificate (both of the financial holding company and of the affiliate)

2. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have invested in a business venture (D-8-2)

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (Form No.34), Passport, Alien Registration Card, One Standard Size Photo
(2) copy of business registration or complete business registration certificate
(3) documents related to business venture
– business venture confirmation or prospective business venture confirmation
(4) documents demonstrating that you have either the intellectual property right or equivalent skills
– Patent right card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), Utility Model Right registration card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), design registration card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), Trade mark registration card(Korean Intellectual Property office), copy of right registration card (Korea Copyright Commission) and others
– A certificate proving technological excellence issued by the Korea Technology Finance Corporation or the Small and Medium Business Corporations
(5) Documents demonstrating the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
(6) office lease contract
(7) sales record certificate (export, import records and etc.)

3. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have invested in an unincorporated private enterprise (D-8-3)

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card (for eligible applicants only), one standard size photograph
(2) Copy of business registration certificate in which the names of co-founders are written, original copy of co-founder partnership contract
(3) Foreign investment declaration form or copy of investment company registration
(4) Documents demonstrating the start-up capitals provided by the Korean co-founder of a company (details of usage)
(5) Dispatch order (must indicate the period of overseas assignment) and proof of employment in case of overseas assignment
(6) Documents demonstrating the introduction of investment funds
Case A. Payment in Cash
– Permission (declaration) of foreign currency transfer or confirmation of remittance issued by the Customs or a bank (financial institution) of the respective country
– Investment funds introduction statement (confirmation of foreign currency transfer, certificate of purchased foreign currency, customs declaration form
and others)
Case B. Investment in Kind
– Photocopy of Investment in Kind Completion Confirmation Letter (issued by the head of Korea Customs Service)
– Photocopy of Customs Import Declaration Certificate
(7) Sales record certificate (export & import records, etc.)
(8) Documents demonstrating the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
(9) Documents demonstrating existence of the place of business (office lease contract, photographs of the front view of the office, inside of the office • signs and other materials)
Documents        (10) Additional documents for applicants who have invested less than 300 million KRW
– Documents demonstrating the detailed usage of the start-up capitals
(receipts for product purchases, office interior design fee, transaction statement of domestic bank account and others)
– Documents demonstrating that you have extensive work experiences in your job field or entrepreneur experiences in your business, issued from the country where the experiences took place (you will be required to submit these documents if deemed necessary)

4. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have found a business (D-8-4)

Required Documents
Application        (1) Application form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card (respective candidate), one standard size photograph
(2) Complete business registration certificate and a copy of business registration card
(3) Copy of degree certificate
(4) Any documents proving how you earned your scores on the Points-Based System.
– Copies of Patent Card , Utility Model Registration Card, Design Registration Card for Intellectual Property Right Holders (Candidates) only
You can use the Patent Information Net Kipris website www.kipris.or.kr/khome/main.jsp) of the Korea Intellectual Property Office to browse whether one has an intellectual property right or not.
– Patent Candidates must submit application certificate issued by the head of Korea Intellectual Property Office
– A certificate for completion or graduation of the OASIS program issued by the head of Global Investment Center designated by the Minister of Justice, award winner confirmation letter, official statement of selection, and etc.
– Other documents that can prove points earned through the Points-Based System
(5) Documents demonstrating the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
(6) Office lease contract
(7) Sales Record Certificate (Export/Import Records, etc.)

5. Permitting change of Status for German Citizens coming to the ROK with Visa Exemption (B-1)
A. Activities Allowed: All activities except non-professional fields(D-3, E-9, H-1)
B. Period Allowed: It differs depending on the status you are applying for

6. Permitting Chilean Citizens on Short-Term Business (C-3-4) visas to change their status to Supervisory Intra-company Transfer (D-7), Corporate Investment (D-8), or Trade Management (D-9)

(Visa Issuance Guidelines in accordance with the Free Trade Agreement between the government of the Republic of Korea and the government of the Republic of Chile)

Eligible Individuals: a business person planning to do activities listed below as an executive or a senior manager or in a position related to the core technology
– a person who effectively engages in trade of goods or service between the country that he/she belongs to and the country that he/she intends to enter
– a person who provides consultation relevant to the establishment, development, management or operation of the investment or core technical service when he/she or his/her company has invested or is investing significantly
Required Documents: documents proving qualifications


1. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have invested in a Korean corporation (D-8-1)

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card (for respective candidate only), one standard size photograph, No fee
(2) Copy of business registration card, complete business registration certificate, original copy of circumstantial statement on a change of shareholders
(3) Foreign investment declaration form or copy of investment company registration certificate
(4) Dispatch order (must indicate the period of overseas assignment) and proof of employment in case of overseas assignment
(5) Documents demonstrating the introduction of investment funds
– Foreign currency transfer permit (declaration form) from the Customs or banks (financial institution) of the country of origin or (for eligible applicants only)
– Introduction of investment amount statement (confirmation of wire transfer, certificate of purchase foreign currency, custom declaration form and etc.)
(6) Proof of individual tax payment or relevant documents for value-added tax standard assessment confirmation certificate
(7) Sales record certificate (export/import records, etc.)
(8) Documents demonstrating the existence of the place of business (office lease contract, photographs of the front view of the office, inside of the office • signs and other materials)
(9) Documents demonstrating the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Documents        <Additional documents for foreign investors who have invested less than 300 million KRW>
(10)Documents demonstrating the usage details of the start-up funds (product purchase receipt, office interior fees, transaction records of domestic bank account and others)
(11) Documents demonstrating that you have extensive work experiences in your job field or entrepreneur experiences in your business, issued from the country where the experiences took place (you will be required to submit these documents if deemed necessary)
Followings are required documents for an indispensable professional specialist of a subsidiary company that is entirely invested by a financial holding company registered as a foreign corporate investor.

(1) an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, a standardized photo, no fee
(2) an authorization of financial holding company and a copy of the registration of foreign investment company
(3) an affiliates certified copy of corporate registration and shareholders registry
(documents proving that the company is a wholly-owned affiliate of a financial holding company)
(4) a dispatch order issued by the headquarter office overseas
(5) a copy of business registration certificate (both of the financial holding company and of the affiliate)

2. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have invested in a business venture (D-8-2)

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card (for respective candidate only), one standard-size photograph
(2) Copy of business registration card, complete business registration card
(3) Documents related to business venture
– confirmation of business venture company or prospective business venture confirmation
(4) Documents demonstrating that you have an intellectual property right or equivalent skills
– Patent right card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), Utility Model Right registration card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), design registration card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), Trade mark registration card(Korean Intellectual Property office), copy of right registration card (Korea Copyright Commission) and others
– Technology Evaluation from the Korea Technology Finance Corporation or the Small and Medium (5) Business Corporation
(6) Documents demonstrating records of business success
(7) Tax payment certificate
(8) Documents proving the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)

3. Permitting change of status for foreigners who have invested in an unincorporated private enterprise (D-8-3)

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card (for applicable candidates only), one standard size photograph
(2) Copy of business registration certificate in which the names of co-founders are written, original copy of co-founder partnership contract
(3) Foreign investment declaration form or copy of investment company registration card
(4) Documents demonstrating the start-up capitals provided by the Korean co-founder of a company (details of usage)
(5) Dispatch order (must indicate the period of overseas assignment) and proof of employment in case of overseas assignment
(6) Documents demonstrating the introduction of investment funds
– Foreign currency transfer permit (declaration form) from the Customs or banks (financial institution) of the country of origin or (for eligible applicants only)
– Introduction of investment amount statement (confirmation of wire transfer, certificate of purchase foreign currency, custom declaration form and etc.)
(7) Proof of individual tax payment or relevant documents for value-added tax standard assessment confirmation certificate
(8) Sales record certificate (export, import records, etc.)
(9) Documents demonstrating existence of the place of business (office lease contract, photographs of the front view of the office, inside of the office • signs and other materials)
(10) Documents proving the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Documents        <Additional documents for foreign investors who have invested less than 300 million KRW>
Documents demonstrating the usage details of the start-up funds (product purchase receipt, office interior fees, transaction records of domestic bank account and others)
Documents demonstrating that you have extensive work experiences in your job field or entrepreneur experiences in your business, issued from the country where the experiences took place (you will be required to submit these documents if deemed necessary)

4. Permitting an extension of stay for D-8-4 Technology and Business Startup status holders

Required Documents
Documents        (1) Application form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card(for applicable candidates only), one standard size photograph
(2) Complete business registration certificate and a copy of business registration
(3) Copy of degree certificate
(4) Documents demonstrating that you have either intellectual property right or equivalent skills
(5) Patent right card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), Utility Model Right registration card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), design registration card (Korean Intellectual Property Office), Trade mark registration card(Korean Intellectual Property office), copy of right registration card (Korea Copyright Commission) and others
(6) Official letter from the respective government department, demonstrating that your business venture item was selected as the recipient of government funds (must indicate the english names of the foreign investor) and others
(7) Documents demonstrating records of business
(8) Tax payment certificate
(9) Documents proving the place of residence (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
How to check whether your foreign investor registration has been cancelled or not

Please visit the web-site below to check the status of foreign investor registration with your ID and password.
– Web-site: http://insc.kisc.org/ext/moi/main.jsp
– What to search for and check: name of the foreign invested company, whether the registration has been cancelled, registration number, business registration number, name of the investor, address, etc.
– The information is utilized for visa issuance, entry permit, stay permit, investigation, review for naturalization, etc.
– The above information can be check by contacting the Investment Consulting Center of KOTRA (02-3497-1966) at diplomatic missions.
A holder of D-9 visa and etc. is required to submit a [Certificate of Personal Tax Payment] when applying for extension of period of sojourn.
Even if a foreigner is working in the ROK and is paid by the headquarter company overseas, he/she is imposed a class B earned income tax unless there is special provisions on the tax agreement/treaty between the Republic of Korea and his/her country of nationality.: to prevent tax evasion and establish public order in paying taxes

A. A person who has joined the Class B Tax Association and completed tax obligation through year-end tax settlement after monthly income tax withholding by the Association
Please submit a receipt for class B earned income tax withholding issued by the head of the Class B Tax Association

B. A person who has not joined the Class B Tax Association but reported and paid the global income tax
Please submit a certificate of income amount issued by the competent district tax office
In the case of class B earned income, a payer is not in the ROK, so the employees themselves have the obligation to pay their taxes. If the person has joined the Class B Tax Association, the association withhold income tax monthly and pay it to the competent district tax office before the 10th of the next month. If he/she has not, he/she must report for the global income tax in May next year.

Inquiry and Consulting/Counselling about issuance of a certificate of tax payment 126 (National Tax Service Call Center)


1. Implementation of Re-entry Permit Exemption (revision of the Enforcement Regulations of Dec. 1, 2010 )
– If you are a registered foreigner and plan to return to the ROK within 1 year from the departure date, you are exempted from Re-entry Permit
– If your period of sojourn remains less than 1 year, you are exempted from Re-entry Permit for the remaining period.
– If you need the permission due to the entry restrictions, you may apply for the permission from an Immigration (Branch) Office free of charge.

2. Required Documents
an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee (single: 30,000 won, multiple: 50,000 won)


1. Required Documents for Registration
(1) Application form (Form No. 34), passport, one standard size photo, fee
(2) business registration certificate, documents proving residence such as lease/rent contract
(3) Documents proving the place of residence (i.e. lease contract, etc.): for those who have invested in a company run by a Korean national
– Those who entered Korea on a D-8 Corporate Investment visa issued by the Korean diplomatic mission abroad must submit all required documents when they apply for change of status.
* Please note that the above statement is not applicable to a person who has obtained a visa through a confirmation of visa issuance.

2. Confirmation Details

The Ministry of Justice will look at whether the applicant actually lives in the address he/she has written on the application
Alien registration details* and visa & residence mandatory fields** are throughly submitted to our immigration administration database system
* Date of entry, port of entry, visa details, accompanied members details, householder and the relationship with the householder, business registration number
** amount of investment, field, co-founder partnership (especially, those who have invested less than 300 million KRW in a company run by a Korean national and who are co-founders or additional business operators of that company are always marked under the remark section.)
← End

The Sojourn Guide [D-8]

  15 →   D-9 VISA  
  14 →   D-8 VISA  
  7 →   Doing Business in Korea  
  3 →   Obtaining D8 Visa  
  1 →   「ܱαٷ 」 ϸ ɻ  



  • retainer fee
  • consulting fee
  • Resume of Attorney LEE
  • Self Advocacy Statement for case
  • B VISA
  • C VISA
  • D VISA
  • E VISA
  • F VISA
  • G VISA
  • H VISA
  • 뿪(translation, interpretation)
  • china visa
  • Death of Aliens, Estate, Proof of Death

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| Foreign
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