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ȣ ̳ , з  ȣ Ұ Ǵ ȣ ޴ ϼ

ATTORNEY [ licensed to practice in KOREA, U.S.A., ILLINOIS ] LEE, JAE WOOK
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| Ư



| ȥ

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Immigration Control Act
Start →

[ 11224ȣ]
[2012.1.26 Ϻΰ]
[Legislation No.11224]
[Partly revised Jan 26, 2012]

1 Ģ < 2010.5.14>
Chapter 1. General Provisions
<Revised May 14, 2010>
1() ѹα Աϰų ѹα ⱹϴ ܱ Ա ѹα üϴ ܱ ü ()  Ѵ. < 2012.1.26>
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to stipulate the matters regarding safer border control through immigration control of nationals and foreigners who enter into or depart from the Republic of Korea, management of foreigners staying in the Republic of Korea, and procedures for recognition of refugee status. <Revised Jan 26. 2012
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
2() ϴ .
1. ""̶ ѹα Ѵ.
2. "ܱ"̶ ѹα ƴ Ѵ.
3. ""̶ ࡹ ( ࡱ̶ Ѵ) 1 1 ޴ Ѵ.
4. ""̶ ѹαΤܱ Ǵ ִ ⱸ ߱ Ǵ ο ۿ ϴ μ ѹαΰ ȿϴٰ ϴ Ѵ.
5. "ź" ѹαγ ܱΰ ߱ μ ϴ Ѵ.
6. "Ա"̶ ⱹϰų Ա ִ ѹα ױװ ҷμ ɷ ϴ Ѵ.
7. "ܰ "̶ ܱ ϴ ѹα (), (), ѿ(), () Ǵ ϴ Ѵ.
8. " "̶ ѹα ѹα ̿ ̳ ϴ , װ, , ڵ, Ѵ.
9. "¹"̶ ڵ ϴ Ѵ.
10. "" ڵ ̿Ͽ ϴ ڿ ׸ Ͽ ϴ ŷ 븮ϴ ڸ Ѵ.
11. "ȣ" Ա 461 ȣ شȴٰ ǽ ִ ⱹŰ Ͽ ܱκȣ, ܱκȣ Ǵ ۿ ϴ ҿ ġ()ϰ ϴ Ȱ Ѵ.
12. "ܱκȣ"̶ ܱ ȣ Ա繫ҳ ҿ ġ Ҹ Ѵ.
13. "ܱκȣ" ܱ ȣ ġ üμ ɷ ϴ Ѵ.
14. "Ա"̶ 932, 933, 94 99, 992, 993 100 ˸ Ͽٰ Ǵ ڸ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 2 (Definitions)  
The definitions of the terms in this Act are as follows:
1. The term national refers to a citizen of the Republic of Korea.
2. The term "foreigner" refers to a person who does not hold the nationality of the Republic of Korea.
3. The term refugee refers a person who is subject to Article 1 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (hereinafter referred to as Refugee Agreement) or Article 1 of the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.
4. The term "passport" refers to a passport, a refugee travel document or a passport substitute recognized as valid by and issued by the Government of the Republic of Korea, foreign government, or an authorized international organization.
5. The term "seaman's identification certificate" refers to a document issued by the Government of the Republic of Korea or a foreign government that identifies a person as a seaman.
6. The term "port of entry or departure" refers to harbors, airports or other places designated by the Presidential Decree, through which a person may enter into or depart from the Republic of Korea.
7. The term head of the diplomatic missions abroad" refers to an ambassador, diplomatic minister, consul-general, consul, or head of an agency of the Republic of Korea conducting consular services, residing abroad.
8. The term "vessels, etc." refers to the vessels, airplanes, trains, automobiles, or other transportation that carry persons or goods between the Republic of Korea and areas outside the Republic of Korea.
9. The term "crewmember" refers to a person who performs duties on vessels, etc.
10. The term carrier" refers to a person who operates a business using vessels, etc. or a person who conducts business transactions of the carrier by proxy.
11. The term "detention" refers to an activity of an immigration officer to confine for deportation a person who has suspicious grounds to fall under the category of deportation in accordance to each subparagraph of Article 46, in an immigration detention room, detention center or other location designated by the Minister of Justice.
12. The term "immigration detention room" refers to a facility established at an immigration office or branch office to detain a foreigner under this Act.
13. The term "immigration detention center" refers to a facility designated by Presidential Decree and established to detain foreigners under this Act.
14. The term "immigration offender" refers to a person who is deemed to have committed any of the offences prescribed in Article 93-2, 93-3, 94 through 99, 99-2, 99-3 and 100.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
2 Ա < 2010.5.14>
Chapter 2. Entry and Departure of Nationals
<Revised May 14, 2010>
3( ⱹ) ѹα ѹα ⱹ( "ⱹ"̶ Ѵ)Ϸ ȿ ⱹϴ Ա׿ Ա ⱹɻ縦 ޾ƾ Ѵ. ٸ, ε Ա ⱹ Ա繫( "繫"̶ Ѵ)̳ Ա繫 ( ""̶ Ѵ) 㰡 ޾ Ա ƴ ҿ Ա ⱹɻ縦 ⱹ ִ.
1׿ ⱹɻ ɷ ϴ ٿ ȭ⿡ ⱹɻ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 3 (Departure of Nationals)
A national who intends to depart from the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as "departure") shall undergo departure inspection conducted by an immigration officer at a port of entry or departure from which he/she is to depart, with a valid passport. However, if a national is not able to depart from the Republic of Korea at a port of entry or departure due to extenuating circumstances, the national may depart after a departure inspection at a location other than the port of entry or departure, upon approval of the head of immigration office having jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as the "head of immigration office") or the head of immigration branch office having jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as the "head of branch office").
The departure inspection in accordance to Paragraph may be substituted by an inspection with IT devices as prescribed by the Presidential Decree.
<Wholly amended Mar 14, 2010>
4(ⱹ ) ȣ ϳ شϴ ο Ͽ 6 ̳ Ⱓ Ͽ ⱹ ִ. < 2011.7.18>
1. ǿ ()
2. ¡̳ ݰ ƴ
3. ɷ ϴ ݾ ̻ ̳ ¡ ƴ
4. ɷ ϴ ݾ ̻ Ǵ 漼 αѱ ƴ
5. ۿ 1ȣ 4ȣ ϴ μ ѹα ̳ Ǵ ĥ ־ ⱹ ƴϴٰ η ϴ
縦 Ͽ ⱹ ƴϴٰ Ǵ Ͽ 1 ̳ Ⱓ Ͽ ⱹ ִ. ٸ, ȣ شϴ ȣ Ⱓ Ѵ. <ż 2011.7.18>
1. 縦 Ǵ Ư ־ : 3 ̳
2. μ ü Ǵ ӿ ߺε : ȿⰣ ̳
߾ ϴ Ұ Ͽ 1 Ǵ 2 ȣ ϳ شϴ ִٰ ⱹ û ִ. < 2011.7.18>
Ա ⱹɻ縦 1 Ǵ 2׿ ⱹ ⱹѼ ƴ ȴ. < 2011.7.18>
1׺ 4ױ ܿ ⱹⰣ ⱹ Ͽ ʿ ɷ Ѵ. < 2011.7.18>
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 4 (Departure Prohibition)
The Minister of Justice may prohibit the departure of a national who falls under any of the following subparagraphs within a set period of 6 months:
Revised July 18, 2011
1. A person who is pending in a criminal trial;
2. A person whose imprisonment with or without labor has not yet been completed;
3. A person who has been delinquent in paying the fine or additional charge no less than the amount as prescribed by Presidential Decree;
4. A person who has unjustifiably failed to pay by the due date, national tax, customs or local tax of no less than the amount as prescribed by Presidential Decree;
5. Other persons in accordance to Subparagraphs 1 through 4, whose departure is deemed inappropriate by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice, as there exist concern for undermining the national interest, the public safety, or the economic stability of the Republic of Korea.
The Minister of Justice, for the purpose of criminal investigation, may prohibit the departure of a person who is deemed inappropriate to leave the country, for a set period within 1 month. However, if a person falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the period for departure prohibition shall be as prescribed in the subparagraph.
<Newly added Jul 18, 2011>
1. Within three months for a person whose prosecution is suspended due to unknown whereabouts, or whose investigation faces difficulty due to special causes including escape.
2. Within the expiry date specified in the warrant for a person whose prosecution is suspended and to whom an arrest warrant is issued.
The head of central administrative agencies and relevant agencies designated by the Minister of Justice, within jurisdiction, may request the departure prohibition of a person to the Minister of Justice, if the person is deemed to meet any of the subparagraphs of Paragraph or .
<Revised Jul 18, 2011>
An immigration officer shall not allow the departure of a person who is prohibited from leaving the country at departure inspection, pursuant to Paragraph or .
<Revised Jul 18, 2011>
Aside from the provisions in Paragraphs through , any necessary matters on the period of and procedures for departure prohibition shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree. <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
42(ⱹⰣ ) ⱹⰣ ʰϿ ⱹ ʿ䰡 ִٰ ϴ 쿡 Ⱓ ִ.
43׿ ⱹ û ⱹⰣ ʰϿ ⱹ ʿ䰡 ⱹⰣ 3 ⱹⰣ Ͽ ûϿ Ѵ. < 2011.7.18>
1 2׿ ܿ ⱹⰣ Ͽ ʿ ɷ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 4-2 (Extension of the Period of Departure Prohibition)
The Minister of Justice may extend the period of departure prohibition if deemed necessary.
The head of the agency requesting for departure prohibition pursuant to Article 4 shall request for the extension of the period of departure prohibition to the Minister of Justice, by at least three days prior to the prohibition expiry date, if deemed necessary. <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
Aside from the provisions in Paragraph and , the necessary provisions regarding the procedures to extend the period of departure prohibition shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
43(ⱹ ) ⱹ ų ⱹ ʿ䰡 ٰ ⱹ Ͽ Ѵ.
43׿ ⱹ û ⱹ ⱹ ûϿ Ѵ. < 2011.7.18>
1 2׿ ܿ ⱹ Ͽ ʿ ɷ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 4-3 (Release Revocation of Departure Prohibition)
The Minister of Justice shall immediately lift revoke the departure prohibition if the grounds for the prohibition have become invalid, or if the prohibition is deemed unnecessary.
The head of the agency requesting for departure prohibition pursuant to Article 4 shall immediately request for the revocation of departure prohibition to the Minister of Justice, if the grounds for the prohibition have become invalid. <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
Other necessary matters for the procedures for the revocation of departure prohibition, except for the provisions prescribed in Paragraph or, shall be determined by Presidential Decree.
[Wholly amended May 14. 2010]
44(ⱹ ) 41 Ǵ 2׿ ⱹ ϰų 421׿ ⱹⰣ Ͽ ڿ Ⱓ Ͽ Ѵ. < 2011.7.18>
431׿ ⱹ Ͽ ̸ ڿ Ͽ Ѵ.
1׿ ұϰ ȣ ϳ شϴ 쿡 1 ƴ ִ.
1. ѹα Ǵ Ϳ ߴ () ĥ ִٰ Ǵ
2. ˼翡 ߴ ְ ִٰ Ǵ . ٸ, Ⱓ ⱹⰣ 3 Ѵ ڿ Ͽ Ѵ. < 2011.7.18>
3. ⱹ ִ
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 4-4 (Notification of Decision on Departure Prohibition, etc.)
The Minister of Justice shall immediately notify the subject of departure prohibition of the fact that he/she has been prohibited from departure under Article 4 or, or that the period of the prohibition has been extended under Article 4-2, in written form with the reasons and period stated therein. <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
The Minister of Justice shall immediately notify the subject of the revocation of departure prohibition under Article 4-3.
Notwithstanding Paragraph , the Minister of Justice may choose not to make the notification under Paragraph if under any of the circumstances in the following subparagraphs: <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
1. Where such notice may substantially threaten the safety and public interest of the Republic of Korea;
2. Where such notice may substantially interfere with a criminal investigation. However, if the total period of departure prohibition including the extended period exceeds three months, the Minister of Justice shall notify the subject of the fact;
3. Where the whereabouts of the subject of deportation prohibition is unknown.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
45(ⱹ  ǽû) 41 Ǵ 2׿ ⱹ ǰų 421׿ ⱹⰣ ⱹ̳ ⱹⰣ Ǵ 10 ̳ ⱹ̳ ⱹⰣ Ǹ û ִ. < 2011.7.18>
1׿ ǽû 15 ̳ ǽû Ÿ缺 θ Ͽ Ѵ. ٸ, ε 15 ʸ Ⱓ ִ.
1׿ ǽû ִٰ Ǵϸ ⱹ ϰų ⱹⰣ öȸϿ ϰ, ǽû ٰ Ǵϸ ̸ Ⱒϰ ڿ 鿡 뺸Ͽ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 4-5 (Objection Appeal against Decision of Departure Prohibition, etc.)
A person who has been prohibited from departure under Article 4 or or who has been given an extended period of departure prohibition under Article 4-2 may appeal against the decision of departure prohibition or extension of the prohibition period to the Minister of Justice within 10 days from the date the person receives the notice or the date the person becomes aware of such notice. <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
The Minister of Justice shall decide the legitimacy of an objection appeal raised under Paragraph , within 15 days from the date on which the appeal is filed. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, the period may be extended only once no longer than 15 days.
The Minister of Justice shall immediately release revoke the departure prohibition or the extension of the period of departure prohibition if the appeal filed under Paragraph is deemed legitimate; if the appeal is deemed groundless, the Minister of Justice shall dismiss the appeal and notify the reasons thereof to the subject, in writing.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
46(ⱹ) ڷμ Ǵ 3 ̻ ¡̳ ݰ شϴ ˸ Ͽٰ ǽ ְ, ȣ ϳ شϴ , ʿ䰡 ִ 43׿ ұϰ ⱹɻ縦 ϴ Ա ⱹ û ִ.
1. ڰ Ÿ θ ִ
2. ڰ ϰų ִ
1׿ û Ա ⱹɻ縦 ⱹ û ⱹѼ ƴ ȴ.
1׿ ⱹ û κ 6ð ̳ ⱹ ûϿ Ѵ. ˻ ּ ˻ , ⱹ ⱹ ÷Ͽ Ѵ.
3׿ ⱹ û ƴ 1 û ⱹ Ͽ Ѵ. ⱹ û κ 12ð ̳ κ ⱹ 쿡 .
4׿ ⱹ 쿡 ˻ǿ Ͽ ٽ ⱹ û .
ۿ ⱹ ⱹ ۼ  ʿ ɷ Ѵ.
[ż 2011.7.18]

Article 4-6 (Urgent Departure Prohibition)
Notwithstanding Article 4 and in urgent need, an investigation agency may request a departure prohibition of an accused person to an immigration officer in charge of departure inspection, if the accused person has substantial grounds to be suspected of committing charges punishable by death penalty, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment with or without labor longer than 3 years; and meets any of the following subparagraphs:
1. Where there is concern that the accused may destroy the evidence;
2. Where the accused has escaped or presents concern to flee.
When carrying out departure inspection, the requested immigration officer pursuant to Paragraph shall not allow departure of the person requested for departure prohibition.
An investigation agency shall request the approval for urgent departure prohibition to the Minister of Justice within 6 hours from the request for the urgent departure prohibition under Paragraph . In such case, an Urgent Departure Prohibition Report that includes the investigation directions, brief on crime and reasons for the urgent departure prohibition issued by a prosecutor, shall be attached.
The Minister of Justice shall lift revoke the departure prohibition as requested by an investigation agency under Paragraph, if the investigation agency did not request for the approval of the urgent departure prohibition pursuant to Paragraph . Equally, revocation applies to a case where an investigation agency fails to be approved for the urgent departure prohibition by the Minister of Justice, within 12 hours from its initial request.
An investigation agency may not repeat requesting for urgent departure prohibition on the same crime if the prohibition is lifted revoked under Paragraph .
Other necessary matters for urgent departure prohibition or the procedures for Urgent Departure Prohibition Report shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[Newly added Jul 18, 2011]
5( ) Ա 41 Ǵ 2׿ ⱹ ȸϿ ִ. < 2011.7.18>
Ա ǰų Ǵ ź ߰Ͽ ȸϿ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 5 (Custody of Passport of Nationals, etc.)
An immigration officer may seize and withhold the passport of a person who has been prohibited from departure under Article 4 or . <Revised Jul 18, 2011>
An immigration officer may seize and withhold a forged or altered passport or seaman's identification certificate of a national, in discovery of the fact.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
6( Ա) ѹα ѹα Ա( "Ա"̶ Ѵ)Ϸ ȿ Աϴ Ա׿ Ա Աɻ縦 ޾ƾ Ѵ. ٸ, ε Ա Ա 繫̳ 㰡 ޾ Ա ƴ ҿ Ա Աɻ縦 Ա ִ.
Ա ȿ Ҿų ̸ ƴϰ ԱϷ Ȯ Աϰ ִ.
1׿ Աɻ ɷ ϴ ٿ ȭ⿡ Աɻ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 6 (Entry of Nationals)
When a national intends to enter the Republic of Korea from outside the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as entry), the national shall undergo, with a valid passport, entry inspection conducted by an immigration officer at a port of entry or departure. However, if the national is not able to do so due to unavoidable circumstances, the national may be allowed entry after undergoing entry inspection at a location other than the port of entry or departure, upon approval of the head of immigration office or branch office.
An immigration officer may allow entry for a national who does not hold a valid passport due to loss of the passport or for other reasons, following verification procedures.
Entry inspection under Paragraph may be substituted with inspection by IT devices as prescribed by the Presidential Decree.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
3 ܱ Ա < 2010.5.14>
Chapter 3. Entry and Landing of Foreigners <Revised May 14, 2010>
1 ܱ Ա < 2010.5.14>
Section 1. Entry of Foreigners <Revised May 14, 2010>
7(ܱ Ա) ܱ Ա ȿ ǰ ߱ () ־ Ѵ.
ȣ ϳ شϴ ܱ 1׿ ұϰ Ա ִ.
1. Ա㰡 Ǵ Ա㰡 μ 㰡 Ǵ Ⱓ Աϴ
2. ѹα ü μ Ǵ
3. ģ, Ǵ ѹα Ͽ Աϴ μ ɷ ϴ ٿ Ա㰡
4. ο ߱޹ް ⱹ ȿⰣ Աϴ
Ϳ ʿϴٰ ϸ 22ȣ شϴ Ͽ Ͻ ִ.
ѹα () ƴ ܱ Ͽ 1׿ ұϰ ɷ ϴ ٿ ܰ ̳ 繫 Ǵ ߱ ܱԱ㰡 Ա ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 7 (Entry of Foreigners)
When a foreigner intends to enter the Republic of Korea, he/she shall hold both a valid passport and a visa issued by the Minister of Justice.
Notwithstanding the provision of Paragraph , a foreigner falling under any of the following subparagraphs may enter the Republic of Korea without a visa:
1. A person who has or is exempt from permission for reentry and who enters the Republic of Korea before the validity period of the permission or exemption expires;
2. A person who is a national of a country that has signed a Visa Waiver Agreement with the Republic of Korea and thus becomes a subject of visa exemption;
3. A person who enters the Republic of Korea for international friendship, tourism, or national interest, etc. of the Republic of Korea and has obtained a permission for entry other than a visa as prescribed by Presidential Decree; and
4. A person who departed from the Republic of Korea with a refugee travel document, and returns before the date of expiry.
The Minister of Justice may temporarily suspend the application of Visa Waiver Agreement to those falling under paragraph -2, when deemed necessary for the public safety or national interest.
Notwithstanding the provision of Paragraph , a national of a country with no diplomatic relationship with the Republic of Korea or a country designated by the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, may enter the Republic of Korea with a foreigner entry permit issued by the head of diplomatic missions abroad, head of immigration office, or branch office as prescribed Presidential Decree.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
72(û ) ܱ ԱŰ ȣ ϳ Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
1. 糪 ſ ܱ ûϰų ׷ û ˼ϴ
2. Ǵ ߱ ûϰų ׷ û ˼ϴ
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 7-2 (Prohibition of False Invitation, etc.)
No one shall conduct activities falling under any of the following subparagraphs in order to facilitate a foreigners entry into the Republic of Korea:
1. Acts inviting a foreigner by illegal means such as misrepresenting facts or providing false identity guarantee etc, or acts assisting such invitation; or
2. Acts falsely applying for a visa or a Certificate of Eligibility for Visa Issuance, or acts assisting such applications.
Wholly amended May 14, 2010
8() 7 1ȸ Ա ִ ܼ(Ӥ) 2ȸ ̻ Ա ִ () Ѵ.
߱޿ ɷ ϴ ٿ ܰ 忡 ִ.
߱޿ ذ η Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 8 (Visa)
The category of a visa prescribed in Article 7 is divided into a single entry visa valid for one-time entry and a multiple entry visa valid for two or more times of entry.
The Minister of Justice may delegate the authority to issue visas to the head of diplomatic missions abroad as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
The criteria and procedures for visa issuance shall be determined by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
9(߱) 71׿ ߱ϱ Ư ʿϴٰ ԱϷ ܱ û ޾ ߱ ߱ ִ.
1׿ ߱ ߱޽û ܱ ûϷ ڰ 븮 ִ.
1׿ ߱ ߱޴󡤹߱ޱ ߱ η Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 9 (Certificate of Eligibility for Visa Issuance)
If deemed particularly necessary, the Minister of Justice may issue a Certificate of Eligibility for Visa Issuance upon application by a foreigner who intends to enter the Republic of Korea prior to issuance of visa under Article 7.
The application for Certificate of Eligibility for Visa Issuance in accordance to Paragraph may be filed by proxy by the person inviting the foreigner.
The subjects of, criteria for, and procedures for issuing Certificate of Eligibility for Visa Issuance as prescribed in Paragraph , shall be determined by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
10(üڰ) ԱϷ ܱ ɷ ϴ üڰ Ѵ.
1ȸ ο ִ üڰݺ üⰣ η Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 10 (Status of Stay)
A foreigner who intends to enter the Republic of Korea shall obtain a status of stay as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
The maximum period for each stay shall be granted according to the status of stay, determined by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
11(Ա ) ȣ ϳ شϴ ܱο Ͽ Ա ִ.
1. ȯ, ߵ, ۿ ظ ĥ ִٰ Ǵ
2. ˡȭ ܼӹ ϴ ˡȭ ϰ ԱϷ
3. ѹα ̳ ġ ൿ ִٰ ִ
4. Ǵ ȸ ġų dz ġ ൿ ִٰ ִ
5. 縮 к üȰ , ü δ ɷ , ۿ ȣ(ϭ) ʿ
6. Ÿ ް ⱹ 5 ƴ
7. 1910 8 29Ϻ 1945 8 15ϱ ̿ ϳ شϴ ø ްų ο Ͽ , , , , ġ л졤дϴ Ͽ
. Ϻ
. Ϻ ο 迡 ִ
. Ϻ ġ
8. 1ȣ 7ȣ ϴ μ Ա ƴϴٰ ϴ
ԱϷ ܱ () 1 ȣ Ա ź ׿ ܱ Ա ź ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 11 (Prohibition of Entry, etc.)
The Minister of Justice may prohibit entry of a foreigner who falls under any of the following subparagraphs:
1. A person carrying an infectious disease, narcotic addicts, or other persons who may present dangers to public health;
2. A person intending to enter the Republic of Korea unlawfully carrying firearms, swords, explosives, etc. as prescribed in the Control of Firearms, Swords, Explosives, etc. Act;
3. A person about whom there are considerable grounds for concern that the person may commit acts detrimental to the national interest or the public safety of the Republic of Korea;
4. A person about whom there are considerable grounds for concern that the person may commit acts detrimental to the economic order, social order, or the good morals of the Republic of Korea;
5. A mentally handicapped person who is incapable of reasoning and who is not sponsored by anyone for stay in the Republic of Korea, a financially destitute person who is not able to support himself/herself in the Republic of Korea, or other person in need of relief;
6. A person for whom 5 years has not elapsed since departing the Republic of Korea under a deportation order;
7. A person who took part in the slaughter or cruel treatment of people on the grounds of race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political opinion, etc. under instructions from or in liaison with the following governments between August 29, 1910 and August 15, 1945:
a. The Government of Japan;
b. A government that held an alliance with the Government of Japan; or
c. A government on which the Government of Japan exercised predominant influence.
8. Other person in accordance to the provisions under Subparagraph 1 through 7, whose entry is deemed inappropriate by the Minister of Justice.
If the home country of a foreigner who intends to enter the Republic of Korea refuses an entry of a national for any reason other than those as referred to in the subparagraphs of Paragraph , the Minister of Justice may refuse the entry of a foreigner from such country for the identical reason.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
12(Աɻ) ܱ ԱϷ 쿡 Աϴ Ա׿ Ա Աɻ縦 ޾ƾ Ѵ.
1׿ Ͽ 61 ܼ 3 ؿѴ.
Ա Աɻ縦 ȣ ߾ ɻϿ Ա 㰡Ѵ.
1. ǰ ȿ . ٸ, 䱸ϴ 츸 Ѵ.
2. Ա üڰݿ
3. üⰣ η ϴ ٿ Ͽ
4. 11 Ա Ǵ ź ƴ
Ա ܱ 3 ȣ ߾ ϸ Ա 㰡 ƴ ִ.
Ա 722ȣ Ǵ 3ȣ شϴ Ա 㰡 ɷ ϴ ٿ üڰ οϰ üⰣ Ͽ Ѵ.
Ա 1̳ 2׿ ɻ縦 ϱ Ͽ ڵ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 12 (Entry Inspection)
If a foreigner intends to enter the Republic of Korea, the person shall undergo entry inspection conducted by an immigration officer at a port of entry or departure.
The exception provisions of Article 6 and Article 6 shall apply to Paragraph .
An immigration officer performing entry inspection shall allow entry after deliberating whether the following requirements are satisfied:
1. The passport and visa shall be valid: the visa requirement is limited to the provisions of this Act;
2. The purpose of entry shall correspond to the status of stay;
3. The period of stay shall have been determined by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice; and
4. The foreigner shall not be subject to the prohibition or refusal of entry as prescribed in Article 11.
If an immigration officer deems that a foreigner fails to meet the requirements in the subparagraphs of Paragraph , he/she may refuse to grant entry permission.
Upon granting entry permission to a foreigner falling under Article 7--2 or 7--3, the immigration officer shall grant the status of stay and determine the period of stay under the conditions prescribed by Presidential Decree.
An immigration officer may board vessels, etc. for the purpose of conducting inspection as referred to in Paragraph or .
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
122(Ա 󱼿 ) ԱϷ ܱ 12 Աɻ縦 η ϴ 󱼿 ϰ Ȯϴ Ͽ Ѵ. ٸ, ȣ ϳ شϴ ׷ ƴϴ.
1. 17 ̸
2. ܱ Ǵ ⱸ ϱ Ͽ Աϴ
3. ܱ ȣ ȭ , Ȱ Ǵ ѹα Ͽ 󱼿 ϴ ʿϴٰ ɷ ϴ
Ա ܱ 1 󱼿 ƴϴ 쿡 Ա 㰡 ƴ ִ.
Աɻ翡 ʿ 쿡 ϰ ִ ܱ 󱼿 ڷ û ִ.
3׿ û û źϿ ƴ ȴ.
Ա 1׿ 󱼿 3׿ ڷḦ Աɻ翡 Ȱ ִ.
1׿ 󱼿 3׿ ڷḦ ȣ ϰ Ѵ.
[ż 2010.5.14]
Article 12-2 (Providing Fingerprints and Face Image upon Arrival, etc.)
At entry inspection under Article 12, any foreigner who intends to enter the Republic of Korea shall follow the procedure of establishing identity by providing fingerprints and face image at entry inspection, in a way prescribed in the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice, provided that the person does not fall under any of the following subparagraphs:
1. Person who is under the age of 17;
2. Person entering the Republic of Korea for official duties of foreign governments or international organizations, and his or her accompanying family members; or
3. A person who is deemed necessary to be exempt from fingerprinting and photo-taking as prescribed by Presidential Decree, for the purposes of enhancing friendly relations and cultural exchange with foreign countries, vitalizing economic activities, and pursuing the national interests of the Republic of Korea.
An immigration officer may not allow the entry of a foreigner if the foreigner refuses to provide fingerprints and face image under Paragraph .
The Minister of Justice may request relevant administrative agencies to submit any relevant materials regarding the fingerprints and face images of a foreigner, if necessary for entry inspection.
The head of administrative agencies requested for cooperation under Paragraph shall not reject the request without any legitimate reasons.
An immigration officer may utilize the fingerprints and face images and the materials submitted respectively under Paragraph and , for entry inspection.
The Minister of Justice shall retain and administer the provided fingerprints and face images under Paragraph and the submitted materials under Paragraph , pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act.  
[Newly added May 14, 2010]
123(ڵ ) ܱ ҹ Ա Ǵ ⱹϰ ϰų ѹα ٸ ҹ Աϰ ȣ Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
1. ڵ̳ Ǵ , ž±̳ ۿ Ա ִ ǰ ϴ
2. 1ȣ ˼ϴ
ҹ Ա ܱο Ͽ ȣ Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
1. ش ܱ ѹα Ǵ ϰ ϰų ׷ ϴ
2. 1ȣ ˼ϴ
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 12-3 (Prohibition of Provision of Vessels, etc.)
No one shall engage in any of the following activities of the subparagraphs below for the purpose of illegally assisting a foreigner to enter or leave the Republic of Korea or to smuggle into a third country by way of the Republic of Korea:
1. Any activities to provide vessels, etc., passport, visa, boarding pass, or other documents and goods usable for entry or departure
2. Arranging for under Subparagraph 1
No one shall engage in any of the following activities of the subparagraphs below with regard to a foreigner who has illegally entered the Republic of Korea:
1. Harboring the relevant foreigner to flee within or hide out in the Republic of Korea, or providing means of transportation for such purposes.
2. Arranging for under Subparagraph 1  
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
124(ܱ ) ǰų ܱ ǡź Ͽ 52 ؿѴ.
Ա Ͽ 縦 ް ִ μ 46 ڿ شϴ Ա ǡź ߰ϸ ȸϿ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 12-4 (Custody of Passport, etc. of Foreigner)
Article 5 shall apply to a forged passport, altered passport, or seaman's identification certificate of a foreigner.  
If an immigration officer finds a passport or a seaman's identification certificate of an immigration offender who is under investigation in violation of this Act and subject to deportation under Article 46, the officer may seize and withhold such documents.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]

13(Ǻ Ա㰡) 繫̳ ȣ ϳ شϴ ܱο Ͽ ɷ ϴ ٿ Ǻ Ա 㰡 ִ.
1. ε 1231ȣ Ͽ Ⱓ ִٰ Ǵ
2. 111 ȣ ϳ شȴٰ ǽɵǰų 1232ȣ Ͽٰ ǽɵǾ Ư ɻ ʿ䰡 ִٰ Ǵ
3. 1ȣ 2ȣ ܿ 繫̳ Ǻ Ա 㰡 ʿ䰡 ִٰ Ǵ
繫̳ 1׿ Ǻ Ա 㰡 ǺԱ㰡 ߱Ͽ Ѵ. 㰡 ְ , ⼮䱸 ǹ ۿ ʿ ٿ ϸ, ʿϴٰ 1õ ġ()ϰ ִ.
繫̳ 1׿ Ǻ Ա㰡 ܱ Ͽ ġ Ǵ Ϻθ (ͷ) ͼӽų ִ.
2װ 3׿ ġ ȯ ͼ ɷ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 13 (Conditional Entry Permission)
The head of immigration office or branch office may grant a conditional entry permit to a foreigner who falls under any of the following subparagraphs as prescribed by Presidential Decree:
1. A person who has failed to meet the requirements as prescribed in Article 12--1 for any unavoidable reasons, but who is deemed to meet them within a set period;
2. A person who is suspicious of falling under any of subparagraphs of Article 11-, or of failing to meet the requirements prescribed in Article 12--2 and thus deemed necessary to undergo special inspection; or
3. A person, not falling under Subparagraph 1 and 2, who is deemed by the head of immigration office or branch office to be granted conditional entry permission.
When granting conditional entry permission under Paragraph , the head of immigration office or branch office shall issue a Conditional Entry Permit. In such case, the permit shall include any restrictions on residence, obligation to comply with the request for summons, and any other necessary conditions, and may have the foreigner deposit a bond not exceeding ten million Won if necessary.
The head of immigration office or branch office may revert whole or part of the deposited bond to the National Treasury, when the foreigner who has obtained conditional entry permission as prescribed in Paragraph breaches any conditions imposed under the permission.
The procedures for depositing, returning, and reverting the bond to the National Treasury as prescribed in Paragraph and shall be determined by Presidential Decree.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
2 ܱ < 2010.5.14>
Section 2. Landing of Foreigners [Revised May 14, 2010]
14(¹ 㰡) Ա ȣ ϳ شϴ ܱν¹ Ͽ ڵ Ǵ ڳ ûϸ 15 ¹ 㰡 ִ. ٸ, 111 ȣ ϳ شϴ ܱν¹ Ͽ ׷ ƴϴ.
1. ¼ ڵ ѹα Ա׿ ϰ ִ ޾ Ϸ ܱν¹
2. ѹα Ա׿ ̰ų ڵ Ű Ÿ ܱν¹
Ա 1׿ û ȣ ȮϿ Ѵ. ٸ, ܱ  ź ֵ ϴ 쿡 ź Ȯ Ȯ ִ.
1. 11ȣ شϴ ܱν¹ 쿡 ź
2. 12ȣ شϴ ܱν¹ 쿡 ɷ ϴ . ٸ, 723ȣ شϴ 쿡
3. ܱν¹ 쿡
Ա 1׿ 㰡 ¹ 㰡 ߱Ͽ Ѵ. ¹ 㰡 㰡 Ⱓ, ൿ ʿ ִ.
3 Ĵܿ ұϰ 12ȣ شϴ ¹ 㰡 Ͽ 12 ؿѴ.
繫̳ ¹ 㰡 ܱν¹ Ͽ ʿϴٰ ϸ 㰡 Ⱓ ִ.
3׿ ߱޹ ¹ 㰡 ڵ ٸ Ա׿ ִ.
ܱν¹ 󱼿  Ͽ 122 ؿѴ. ٸ, ¹ ̰ 㰡 󱼿 ϴ 쿡 ׷ ƴϴ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 14 (Landing Permission for Crewmember)
An immigration officer may grant landing permission to a foreign crewmember who falls under any of the following subparagraphs within the period of 15 days upon a request of the head of the vessels, etc., carrier, or the crewmember himself/herself, with the exception of crewmembers falling under any of the subparagraphs of Article 11:
1. A foreign crewmember intending to land for the purpose of recreation, etc. while the vessels, etc., to which the crewmember belongs, moors at a port of entry or departure in the Republic of Korea; or
2. A foreign crewmember intending to transfer to another vessel, etc. scheduled to enter a port of entry, or to a vessel, etc. in anchorage in the Republic of Korea.
An immigration officer shall examine the documents according to the following subparagraphs upon receipt of an application under Paragraph . Provided, that where any agreement, etc., with a foreign country or countries determines that a seamans identification certificate substitutes a passport, the verification of the seamans identification certificate may replace that of a passport.
1. Seaman's identification certificate, where the foreign crewmember falling under Paragraph -1 is a seaman;
2. Passport and documents prescribed by the Presidential Decree if the foreign crewmember falling under Paragraph -2 is a seaman. However, a valid passport is required if the person falls under Article 7--3; and
3. Passport, if the foreign crewmember belongs to other categories.
An immigration officer shall issue a Crewmember Landing Permit to grant a permit pursuant to Paragraph . In this case, the Crewmember Landing Permit may include the period of permission, restrictions on the areas of activity, and other necessary conditions.
The provision of Article 12 shall apply to a landing permission for foreign crewmembers under Paragraph -2, notwithstanding the provision of the latter part of Paragraph .
The head of immigration office or branch office may extend the period of landing permission of a foreign crewmember if deemed necessary.
The Crewmember Landing Permit issued under Paragraph may be reusable at other domestic ports of entry or departure until the vessels, etc. finally depart from the Republic of Korea.
Article 12-2 shall apply to providing fingerprints and face image of a foreign crewmember, except when the crewmember is a seaman and has difficulty providing such biometrics based on the procedures of landing permission.
Wholly amended May 14, 2010
142(㰡) Ա ѹα ܱ ػ ȸ()Ͽ ϴ ۼ η ϴ ڿ ¼ ܱν° Ͽ Ǵ ڰ 㰡 ûϸ 3 ° 㰡 ִ. ٸ, 111 ȣ ϳ شϴ ܱν° Ͽ ׷ ƴϴ.
Ա 1׿ 㰡 û ȣ ȮϿ Ѵ.
1. ܱν°
2. ܱν°
3. ۿ η ϴ
1׿ 㰡 㰡 㰡Ⱓ 忡 Ͽ 143 5 ؿѴ. "¹ 㰡" "㰡", "¹ 㰡" "㰡", "ܱν¹" "ܱν°" .
1׿ 㰡 ܱν° 󱼿  Ͽ 122 ؿѴ. ٸ, ܱν° 㰡 󱼿 쿡 ׷ ƴϴ.
1׺ 4ױ ܿ 㰡 ذ Ͽ ʿ ɷ Ѵ.
[ż 2012.1.26]
Article 14-2 (Landing Permission for Tourism) If a head of vessels, etc. or carrier applies for landing permission for tourism for the foreign passengers on board of the vessel, designated by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice (among the passenger vessels that travel regularly the seas between the Republic of Korea and foreign countries), an immigration officer may grant landing permission for tourism to a foreign passenger within a scope of three days. This excludes any foreign passenger falling under any of the following subparagraphs of Article 11.
An immigration officer shall verify each document under the following subparagraphs for an application for landing permission for tourism is made pursuant to Paragraph .
1. Passport of foreign passengers
2. List of foreign passengers
3. Other documents prescribed by the Ordinance of the Minister of Justice
The provision of Article 14 and shall apply to the Landing Permit for Tourism and extension of the period of landing permission under Paragraph . In this case, Crewmember Landing Permit shall be regarded as Landing Permit for Tourism, landing permission for crewmember as landing permission for tourism and foreign crewmember as foreign passenger.
Article 12-2 shall apply to providing fingerprints and face images of foreign passengers, etc. who intend to be granted the landing permission for tourism in accordance to Paragraph . However, if a foreign passenger has difficulty in providing fingerprints and face image during the procedure for landing permission for tourism for foreign passengers, the person shall be exempt from such requirement.
The provisions necessary for the standards and procedures for the landing permission for tourism other than those prescribed in Paragraphs to shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
[Newly added Jan 26, 2012]
15(޻㰡) Ա ڵ Ÿ ִ ܱ(¹ Ѵ) ̳ ʿ䰡 ִٰ Ǹ ڵ ̳ û ޾ 30 ޻ 㰡 ִ.
1 쿡 143 5 ؿѴ. "¹ 㰡" "޻㰡", "¹ 㰡" "޻㰡" .
ڵ ̳ ڴ ޻ Ȱġʺ ۿ ߿ ߻ δϿ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 15 (Emergency Landing Permission)
An immigration officer may allow, with the maximum period of landing not exceeding 30 days, emergency landing permission to a foreigner (including a crewmember) aboard the vessels, etc., who is considered to be in need of urgent landing by reasons of disease or accident, upon application by the head of the vessels, etc. or the carrier.
The provisions of Article 14- and shall apply to Paragraph . In this case, the "Crewmember Landing Permit" shall be regarded as the "Emergency Landing Permit" and "crewmember landing permission" as "emergency landing permission".
The head of the vessels, etc. or the carrier shall be liable for all expenses of the person in an emergency landing such as the cost of living, medical treatment, funeral services, and so forth, which may incur during the emergency landing.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
16(糭㰡) 繫̳ ڵ Ÿ ִ ܱ(¹ Ѵ) ʿ䰡 ִٰ ϸ ڵ , , ȣ ȣ Ǵ ܱ ڵ û Ͽ 30 糭㰡 ִ.
1 쿡 143 5 ؿѴ. "¹ 㰡" "糭㰡", "¹ 㰡" "糭㰡" .
糭㰡 Ȱ  Ͽ 153 ؿѴ. "޻" "糭" .
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 16 (Disaster Landing Permission)
The head of immigration office or branch office may allow, with the maximum period of landing not exceeding 30 days, disaster landing permission to a foreigner (including a crewmember) aboard the vessels, etc. in distress, considered to be in need of urgent relief, upon application by the head of the vessels, etc., the carrier, the rescuers under the Rescue and Aid at Sea & in the River Act, or the head of another vessels, etc. that rescued the foreigner.
The provisions of Article 14- and shall apply to the case of Paragraph . In this case, the "Crewmember Landing Permit" shall be interpreted as the "Disaster Landing Permit" and "crewmember landing permission" as "disaster landing permission".
The provision of Article 15- shall apply to living costs of a person who is granted disaster landing permission. In this case, the "emergency landing" shall be interpreted as the "disaster landing".
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
162( ӽû㰡) 繫̳ ڵ Ÿ ִ ܱ 1A(2) ۿ ̿ ϴ ü Ǵ ü ħع ִ Ͽ ٷ ѹα ȣ() ûϴ ܱ ų ִٰ Ǹ ޾ 90 ӽû㰡 ִ. ܱ Ͽ Ѵ.
1 쿡 143 5 ؿѴ. "¹ 㰡" " ӽû㰡", "¹ 㰡" " ӽû㰡" .
1׿ ȣ û ܱ 󱼿  Ͽ 122 ؿѴ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 16-2 (Temporary Landing Permission for Refugees)
When a head of immigration office or branch office has considerable reasons to land a foreigner, who is on board the vessels, etc. and seeking for protection in the Republic of Korea, immediately after escaping from a territory from fear of infringement of life, body and physical freedom as the reasons prescribed in Article 1-A(2) of the Refugee Agreement and other reasons equivalent thereto, the head may grant a temporary landing permission for the refugee not exceeding a span of 90 days, with the approval of the Minister of Justice. In this case, the Minister of Justice shall consult with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The provision of Article 14- and shall apply to Paragraph . In this case, the "Crew Landing Permit" shall be regarded as the "Temporary Landing Permit for Refugees" and "crew landing permission" as "temporary landing permission for refugees."
The provision of Article 12-2 shall apply to providing fingerprints and face image of a person who has sought protection under Paragraph .  
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
4 ܱ ü ⱹ < 2010.5.14>
Chapter 4. Stay and Departure of Foreigner
<Revised May 14, 2010>
1 ܱ ü < 2010.5.14>
Section 1. Stay of Foreigner
<Revised May 14, 2010>
17(ܱ ü Ȱ) ܱ üڰݰ üⰣ ѹα ü ִ.
ѹα üϴ ܱ Ǵ ٸ ϴ 츦 ϰ ġȰ Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
ѹα üϴ ܱ ġȰ Ͽ ܱο Ȱ ̳ ۿ ʿ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 17 (Stay of Foreigner and the Scope of Activities)
A foreigner may stay in the Republic of Korea within the scope of the status of stay and the period of stay.
No foreigner staying in the Republic of Korea shall engage in any political activities, unless provided by this Act or other Acts.
If a foreigner staying in Korea is engaged in any political activities, the Minister of Justice may order the person in writing to cease such activities or take other necessary measures.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
18(ܱ ) ܱ ѹα Ϸ ɷ ϴ ٿ Ȱ ִ üڰ ޾ƾ Ѵ.
1׿ üڰ ܱ ٹó ƴ ٹϿ ƴ ȴ.
1׿ üڰ ƴ Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
1׿ üڰ ƴ ˼ϰų Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
1׿ üڰ ƴ ˼ ׸ ڱ Ͽ δ Ͽ ƴ ȴ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 18 (Restriction on Employment of Foreigners)
If a foreigner intends to be employed in the Republic of Korea, the person shall obtain the status of stay allowing employment as provided by Presidential Decree.
A foreigner who has obtained a status of stay as referred to in Paragraph shall be employed only at the designated place of work.
No one shall employ a person who does not have a status of stay as referred to in Paragraph .
No one shall arrange or induce, as referred to in Paragraph , a person who does not have a status of stay for employment.
No one shall put a person who has not obtained a status of stay as referred to in Paragraph under his/her for the purpose of arranging employment.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
19(ܱ Űǹ) 181׿ Ȱ ִ üڰ ִ ܱ ڴ ȣ ϳ شϴ ߻ϸ 15 ̳ 繫̳ 忡 ŰϿ Ѵ.
1. ܱ ذϰų ܱ Ǵ
2. ܱ 縦
3. ߿
192 ܱο Ű ü 忡 Ͽ 1 ؿѴ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 19 (Obligation to Report for Employer of Foreigner, etc.)
A person employing a foreigner having the status of stay eligible for employment under Article 18 shall report any of the following circumstances, if it occurs, to the head of immigration office or branch office within 15 days from the date on which he/she gains awareness thereof:
1. Dismissal, resignation, or death of the foreigner;
2. Unknown whereabouts of the foreigner; or
3. Changes to major parts of the employment contract;
The provision of Paragraph shall apply to the head of agency or business providing the foreigners training in industrial technology.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
192(ܱ Ȱ)
ܱ ü, ܱ ϴ ü ü Ȱ ϴ ܱ( ""̶ Ѵ) Ȱ ϱ Ͽ ʿ ġ Ͽ Ѵ. < 2012.1.26>
1׿ ü , Ա  ʿ ɷ Ѵ. < 2012.1.26>
Ż , Ȱ , ۿ 㰡  ⱹġ ʿ Ѵ. < 2012.1.26>
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 19-2 (Training Activities of Foreign Industrial Trainees)
The Ministry of Justice shall take necessary measures to support proper training activities of foreigners who are being trained in the Republic of Korea under the recruitment of designated industries (hereinafter referred to as "industrial trainees"), including those who make direct investment in foreign companies, export technologies and industrial equipment to foreign countries, etc.
<Revised Jan 26, 2012>
The necessary matters for the designation of industries, recruitment and entry of industrial trainees, etc. under Paragraph shall be determined by Presidential Decree.
<Revised Jan 26, 2012>
The necessary matters for the management of the industrial trainees shall be independently prescribed by Minister of Justice, including the investigation and departure order, etc. regarding desertion of training location, engagement in activities beyond training, and other violation of permit conditions.
<Revised Jan 26. 2012>
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
193 <2010.5.14>
Article 19-3 Deleted <May 14, 2010>
194(ܱл ) 10 ̳ Ȱ ִ üڰ ִ ܱ( "ܱл"̶ Ѵ) ̰ų б( 2 ȣ б Ѵ. ) ܱл ϴ ϰ ̸ 繫̳ 忡 ˷ Ѵ.
1׿ б ȣ ϳ شϴ ߻ϸ 15 ̳ 繫̳ 忡 Ű(Ÿ Ű Ѵ)Ͽ Ѵ.
1. ϰų 㰡 ܱл б ϱѱ ƴϰų
2. ߴ Ǵ Ҹ ܱл ̳
ܱл ʿ ɷ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]

Article 19-4 (Management of International Students)
The head of school (referred to the schools under each subparagraph of Article 2 of "the Higher Education Act") enrolling a international student with a status of stay permitted for study or training under the provision of Article 10 (hereinafter referred to as "international student"), shall designate a school official to manage the international student and notify the designation to the head of immigration office or branch office.
The head of school under the provision of Paragraph shall report the reasons for the occurrence of a circumstance listed in the following subparagraphs to the head of immigration office or branch office (including electronic notification) within 15 days from the day of knowing the:
1. When a foreign student who is granted permission for enrollment or training has not registered to the due date for enrollment each semester or has taken a leave of absence; or
2. When the study or training of a foreign student has been terminated due to reasons of expulsion, suspension of training, or unknown whereabouts, etc.
The necessary matters for the management of international students shall be regulated by Presidential Decree.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
20(üڰ Ȱ) ѹα üϴ ܱ üڰݿ شϴ Ȱ Բ ٸ üڰݿ شϴ Ȱ Ϸ ̸ üڰ Ȱ㰡 ޾ƾ Ѵ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 20 (Activities beyond Status of Stay)
When a foreigner staying in the Republic of Korea intends to engage in activities corresponding to a different status of stay, in addition to those activities under the original status of stay, the person shall obtain a permit for such activities from the Minister of Justice, in advance.
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
21(ٹó 桤߰) ѹα üϴ ܱ üڰ ٹó ϰų ߰Ϸ ̸ 㰡 ޾ƾ Ѵ. ٸ, ġ Ǵ μ ɷ ϴ ٹó ϰų ߰ 15 ̳ ŰϿ Ѵ.
1 ٹó 㰡߰㰡 ƴ ܱ ϰų ˼Ͽ ƴ ȴ. ٸ, ٸ ˼ϴ 쿡 ׷ ƴϴ.
1 ܼ شϴ Ͽ 182 ƴѴ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 21 (Change and/or Addition of Workplace)
A foreigner staying in the Republic of Korea who intends to change or add a workplace within the scope of the status of stay, shall obtain a permit from the Minister of Justice in advance. However, if a foreigner has professional knowledge, technique, or function prescribed by Presidential Decree, the person shall report to the Minister of Justice within 15 days from the date of changes or addition of workplace.
No one shall employ or arrange an employment for a foreigner who has not obtained a permit for the change or addition of the workplace under Paragraph , except if the employment was arranged in accordance with other Acts.
The provision of Article 18 shall not apply to a person who falls under the exception provision of Paragraph .
[Wholly amended May 14, 2010]
22(Ȱ ) ȳ ѹα ߿ Ͽ ʿϴٰ ϸ ѹα üϴ ܱο Ͽ ż() Ǵ Ȱ ϰų ۿ ʿ ؼ ִ.
[ 2010.5.14]
Article 22 (Restrictions on the Scope of Activities)
The Minister of Justice may restrict the scope of residence or activities, or establish other requirements of foreigners
← End

Immigration Control Act

  19 →   ȥ ȳ α׷ ̶?  
  18 →   . QA on foreign spouse  
  15 →   naturalization  
  Important   13 →   KOREA, INHERITANCE LAW(Succession law)    
  11 →   Giving birth in Korea ?  
  10 →   F-1 VISA 湮 2  
  Important   9 →   Civil Code, Korea. ѱ ι    
  Important   8 →   Civil Code(ACT) KOREA. the details included    
  Important   7 →   Acquisition of permanent residence(F5)    
  2 →   ڳ  
  1 →   ȥ  



  • retainer fee
  • consulting fee
  • Resume of Attorney LEE
  • Self Advocacy Statement for case
  • B VISA
  • C VISA
  • D VISA
  • E VISA
  • F VISA
  • G VISA
  • H VISA
  • 뿪(translation, interpretation)
  • china visa
  • Death of Aliens, Estate, Proof of Death

Copyright 1997-2025 TAX & LAW (ݰ )
site ϴ ƴϸ, ̰ "" Ƿ(¶ ƴ϶ å Ⱓ Ƿ) Ǹ մϴ.
, Ƿʿ Ȥö ִٸ, װ ƴϸ, Ͽ ̰ų ̶ Ͻñ ٶϴ.
׷ ұϰ ̸ ̶ ϽŴٸ, ϴ Ʈ ƴ϶ ׷ Ͽ (å Ⱓ Ƿ) Ƿ Ͻʽÿ. 繫ǿ Ͻ κ ƴմϴ.

| λ



| Ư



| ȥ

| Foreign
| |