ATTORNEY [ licensed to practice in KOREA, U.S.A., ILLINOIS ] LEE, JAE WOOK
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Start →C. Procedure for Overseas Koreans Immigration Control Overseas Koreans who have entered Korea with the Overseas Korean (F-4) visa should report their resident addresses to a local im m igration (branch) office. Immigration Control Procedures for those entered Korea on Overseas Koreans visas are as follows. Those listed below are eligible to switch their status to an Overseas Korean. Eligible applicants and required documentation - 274 - 200,000) Areas in the Kyung-gi province that are considered "region" (a town․city of population 200,000 or below): Yangju, Pochun, Dong-du cheon, Guri, Osan, Gwacheon, Euwang, Hanam, Ansung, Icheon, Yeojum Yeonchun, Gapyung, Yang Pyung If you have altered your work place at your employer's faults, for example, the employer closed down the business, etc, your duration of work in the previous work place will be considered parts of the total employment duration. (if you have changed an employment field, then this will not be considered valid) Those who reported employment start report before July 31st, 2011 will be administered by the previous guideline the applicant was due to the close down of business by employer through the employment start report forwarded from the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Please note that a caretaker or a household assistant has not been admitted since August 1st, 2011. You are 60 years of age or older • Documents proving that you are overseas Korean 3. Youhave enteredKoreabefore the establishment of the Korea․China diplomatic relation with a special visa and you are currently staying in Korea with a working visit visa. • Documents proving that you are overseas Korean 4. You have obtaineda National Certified Technician License (higher than the technician's license - but the construction field is not included) •A copy of your certificate (you need to submit an original copy as well, see enclosed form number 4) Those who have obtained Overseas Koreans visas through the streams 1-4 above are not allowed to invite their spouse or underage children by a family visitor (F-1) visa. CONTENTS - 275 - You will be given maximum 3 years for the permitted period of change of visa status, from the date of change. An Overseas Koreans(F-4) visa holder needs to get a permission for extension of sojourn period if he/she wants to stay in Korea longer. By principle, the maximum length of stay is 3 years. Please note that if you have violated koran laws in the past, you will not be able to get a permission to extend your sojourn period in Korea. Following documents need to be submitted for applying for extension of your sojourn period. - Application and fee (₩60,000 with stamp) If you are caught being engaged in the simple labor service, then you will be prohibited from receiving a permission for extension of sojourn period, and you will be ordered to leave the country. The range of employment activities of Overseas Korean (F-4) visas holders is as follows. The Overseas Koreans(F-4) visa holder is not allowed to get a job in the following conditions. - You are engaged in a simple labor service (Please see the enclosed form number 2) - You are engaged in activities against virtuous public customs and order such as speculation - Other cases involved with subjective judgments when your activities are considered somethings against collective interests or domestic public order on employment, which the necessity of limiting applicants is recognized by the Ministry of Justice. Excluding the circumstances mentioned above, everyone has an equal chance of getting a job and being engaged into employment activities. However, even if your employment activities are allowed by principle, if Koreans Laws require particular qualifications or a set of skills to get a particular position, then you have to possess those qualities to work. CONTENTS - 276 - 4. A Detailed Procedure for granting a Resident(F-2) visa for Overseas Koreans with foreign na ← End |
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