ATTORNEY [ licensed to practice in KOREA, U.S.A., ILLINOIS ] LEE, JAE WOOK
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Start →RANGE OF ACTIVITIES A person who meets all the prerequisites set by the Minister of Justice to receive on-the-job training at Korean corporations - A person who would like to receive on-the-job training at corporations (D-3-1) in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act - A person who would like to receive on-the-job training at corporations that export technology to foreign countries and that are deemed to require industrial training by the Minister of Justice - A person who would like to receive on-the-job training at corporations which export their industrial facilities to foreign countries in accordance with the International Trade Act LIMIT ON PERIOD OF SOJOURN 2 years VISA THAT CAN BE ISSUED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE HEAD OF DIPLOMATIC MISSION An industrial trainee visa will be issued only if you have received a certificate of confirmation of visa issuance written by the head of a local immigration office or a branch office. Moreover, the visa will be issued in accordance with the details mentioned on the confirmation of visa issuance. ELIGIBILITY FOR VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION LETTER CONTENTS A foreigner must meet any one of the requirements below in order to receive on-the-job training at an industrial training institute. Also, he/she must satisfy the requirements as set forth in Article 3 (Trainee Requirements) of the Immigration Control Act and shall not fall under any of the categories of Paragraph 3, Article 24(4) (Management of Trainees and Recruiters) of the Enforcement Decrees of the Immigration Control Act. 1. A production employee who is unable to acquire required skills in his/her respective country and who is working for a cooperative investment company that is established in accordance with its country's laws and has been running for at least 3 months 2. A production employee at a foreign branch office of Korean companies, who is unable to acquire required skills in his/her respective country, therefore, whose necessity to train in Korea is thought to be legitimate. 1. In regards to industrial training, a visa will be issued in accordance with a certificate of confirmation of visa issuance written by the head of a local immigration office or a branch office A. Eligible Candidates - 65 - ELIGIBILITY FOR VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION LETTER CONTENTS 2. You are an employee of an assembly line of a foreign company that has signed a technology introduction contract or a technology-sharing contract worth of US$100,000* or more with a Korean company. Either the company has imported technology through these deals or the company has imported plants worth of US$500,000*** or more, and your need for the on-the-job training to manage the plant or skills is acknowledged and recognized by the head of a diplomatic mission abroad and a local immigration office. * A cooperative investment company or overseas affiliates of Korean companies refer to a domestic business that has made foreign direct investment in another country in accordance with subparagraph 18 of Article 3(1) of theForeign Exchange Transactions Act and Article 8 of the same act. ** A case where it is impossible or extremely difficult to acquire a set of skills/technology means that the respective foreign company has no/a lack of experts or veteran technicians that can train others OR that the respective foreign company has no/a lack of machinery or plants that can teach a specific set of skills to employees. *** If one training corporation has invested into multiple foreign companies, the corporation shall decide a number of employees that need to be trained for each foreign company, but the total number of trainees cannot exceed the total number of trainees allowed as set forth in Article 4 regardless of how many foreign companies the corporation has invested in. * Technology exports should be worth of US$100,000 or more/per one trainee during the contract period. Also, regardless that the training facility exports various skills in which each is worth of US$100,000, the facility cannot accept trainees more than the total number of trainees allowed in Article 4. ** Technical Partnership refers to a co-operative relationship between two countries who entered a license agreement in which one party offers specific technology or a set of skills to another party in return of a patent fee. *** In accordance with Article 32 (1) of theInternational Trade Actsand Article 70 of the Regulation on Foreign Trade Management, the amount of plant export should be US$500,000 or more while the concept of 'plant' is limited by the definitions as set forth in Article 32(1) of the International Trade Actsand Article 51 of its Presidential Decree. Also, the plant should be worth of US$500,000 per one facility, and it is permitted to export various facilities in which the combined total is worth of US$500,000. (However, notwithstanding the fact that one industrial training facility exports various types of plants that are worth of US$500,000 or more, the permitted number of trainees cannot exceed the total number of trainees a facility can accept as set forth in Article 4.) - 66 - ELIGIBILITY FOR VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION LETTER CONTENTS REQUIRED DOCUMENTS 1. Application for a confirmation of visa issuance (form 21), a copy of passport, one standard-size photograph 2. Documents proving that the invitee meets all conditions and qualifications to be considered an industrial trainee A copy of business registration of the branch office in a foreign country (or charter application) Invitee's proof of employment and copy of passport of invitee issued by the head of the branch office. Documents proving sufficiency in your Korean language In regards with and , a consul confirmation is needed if there is a diplomatic mission abroad in your country. 3. Training plan that can confirm the details of training schedule. (Appendix 3) 4. Inviter reference If there are two principle debtors or more, you can submit one reference letter with an enclosed Invitee List on the confirmation of visa issuance. 5. Documents proving that the host company is a permitted corporation for training Foreign Direct Investment Business - Foreign Direct Investment Declaration (a duplicate copy needs to be stamped by an public official) - (Cash Investment) Receipt for wire transfer or confirmation of wire transfer (original copy or a duplicate needs to be stamped by a bank) - (Investment in Kind) a confirmation export permit issued by the customs (check the investment approval number in the approval number) If the company has outstanding balance yet to be invested, an investment plan on this outstanding balance needs to be submitted. Technology Export Business - A copy of technology export contract (Korean) - A written approval if you have obtained an approval from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy in accordance with the ⌜International Trade Actor theAct on Industrial Technology Drain Protection and Prevention⌟. Plant export business - Approval in plant export (including an approval in change) 6. Documents proving the number of full time employees of the host company in order - 67 - ELIGIBILITY FOR VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION LETTER CONTENTS to determine the permitted number of accepting trainees - You need to submit statements of insurable qualification printed and confirmed by the Ministry of Employment and Labor Website (employment insurance website) 7. Documents proving the on-the-job training environment, including internal training (process) and housing(dormitory) facilities (ex. photographs of the dorms' interiors, and etc. ← End |
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